Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

Mathematics from OPENCOURSEWARE @ MIT

Mathematics from MIT

Disusun Ulang Oleh:

Arip Nurahman

(Indonesia University of Education & MIT Open Course Ware, Cambridge MA. U.S.A.)

A vertical jet is deflected into a horizontal sheet by a horizontal impactor.
Surprising geometry emerges in the study of fluid jets. In this image, a vertical jet is deflected into a horizontal sheet by a horizontal impactor. At the sheet's edge, fluid flows outward along bounding rims that collide to create fluid chains. (Photo courtesty A.E. Hasha and J.W.M. Bush.)

An undergraduate degree in mathematics provides an excellent basis for graduate work in mathematics or computer science, or for employment in such mathematics-related fields as systems analysis, operations research, or actuarial science.

Because the career objectives of undergraduate mathematics majors are so diverse, each undergraduate's program is individually arranged through collaboration between the student and his or her faculty advisor. In general, students are encouraged to explore the various branches of mathematics, both pure and applied.

Undergraduates seriously interested in mathematics are encouraged to elect an upper-level mathematics seminar. This is normally done during the junior year or the first semester of the senior year. The experience gained from active participation in a seminar conducted by a research mathematician is particularly valuable for a student planning to pursue graduate work.

There are three undergraduate programs that lead to the degree Bachelor's of Science in Mathematics: a General Mathematics Option, an Applied Mathematics Option for those who wish to specialize in that aspect of mathematics, and a Theoretical Mathematics Option for those who expect to pursue graduate work in pure mathematics. A fourth undergraduate program leads to the degree Bachelor's of Science in Mathematics with Computer Science; it is intended for students seriously interested in theoretical computer science.

Department of Mathematics links

Visit the MIT Department of Mathematics home page at:

Review the MIT Department of Mathematics curriculum at:

In addition to courses, supplementary mathematics resources are also available. Various MIT faculty are openly sharing these resources as a service to MIT OCW users. The resources include calculus textbooks by Professors Gilbert Strang and Daniel Kleitman.

Updated within the past 180 days

MIT Course #Course TitleTerm
18.01Single Variable CalculusFall 2006
18.01Single Variable CalculusFall 2005
18.013ACalculus with ApplicationsSpring 2005
18.014Calculus with Theory IFall 2002
18.02Multivariable CalculusFall 2007
18.02Multivariable CalculusSpring 2006
18.022CalculusFall 2005
18.024Calculus with Theory IISpring 2003
18.03Differential EquationsSpring 2006
18.034Honors Differential EquationsSpring 2004
18.034Honors Differential EquationsSpring 2007
18.04Complex Variables with ApplicationsFall 2003
18.04Complex Variables with ApplicationsFall 1999
18.05Introduction to Probability and StatisticsSpring 2005
18.06Linear AlgebraSpring 2005
18.062JMathematics for Computer ScienceFall 2005
18.062JMathematics for Computer ScienceSpring 2005
18.062JMathematics for Computer Science (SMA 5512)Fall 2002
18.06CILinear Algebra - Communications IntensiveSpring 2004
18.091Mathematical ExpositionSpring 2005
18.098Street-Fighting MathematicsJanuary (IAP) 2008
18.100AAnalysis IFall 2007
18.100BAnalysis IFall 2006
18.100CAnalysis ISpring 2006
18.101Analysis IIFall 2005
18.103Fourier Analysis - Theory and ApplicationsSpring 2004
18.104Seminar in Analysis: Applications to Number TheoryFall 2006
18.112Functions of a Complex VariableFall 2006
18.152Introduction to Partial Differential EquationsFall 2005
18.152Introduction to Partial Differential EquationsFall 2004
18.238Geometry and Quantum Field TheoryFall 2002
18.303Linear Partial Differential EquationsFall 2006
18.304Undergraduate Seminar in Discrete MathematicsSpring 2006
18.310CPrinciples of Applied MathematicsFall 2007
18.311Principles of Applied MathematicsSpring 2006
18.312Algebraic CombinatoricsSpring 2005
18.314Combinatorial AnalysisFall 2005
18.330Introduction to Numerical AnalysisSpring 2004
18.337JApplied Parallel Computing (SMA 5505)Spring 2005
18.353JNonlinear Dynamics I: ChaosFall 2006
18.361JIntroduction to Modeling and SimulationSpring 2006
18.400JAutomata, Computability, and ComplexitySpring 2005
18.410JIntroduction to Algorithms (SMA 5503)Fall 2005
18.413Error-Correcting Codes LaboratorySpring 2004
18.433Combinatorial OptimizationFall 2003
18.440Probability and Random VariablesFall 2005
18.443Statistics for ApplicationsFall 2006
18.443Statistics for ApplicationsFall 2003
18.700Linear AlgebraFall 2005
18.701Algebra IFall 2007
18.702Algebra IISpring 2008
18.704Seminar in Algebra and Number Theory: Rational Points on Elliptic CurvesFall 2004
18.781Theory of NumbersSpring 2003
18.901Introduction to TopologyFall 2004
18.904Seminar in TopologyFall 2005
18.950Differential GeometrySpring 2005
18.994Seminar in GeometryFall 2004
18.996VPGeneral Relativity and Gravitational RadiationFall 2002
18.S34Problem Solving SeminarFall 2007
18.S66The Art of CountingSpring 2003
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Updated within the past 180 days

MIT Course #Course TitleTerm
18.075Advanced Calculus for EngineersFall 2004
18.085Computational Science and Engineering IFall 2007
18.086Mathematical Methods for Engineers IISpring 2006
18.094JTeaching College-Level ScienceSpring 2006
18.117Topics in Several Complex VariablesSpring 2005
18.125Measure and IntegrationFall 2003
18.155Differential AnalysisFall 2004
18.156Differential AnalysisSpring 2004
18.175Theory of ProbabilitySpring 2007
18.305Advanced Analytic Methods in Science and EngineeringFall 2004
18.306Advanced Partial Differential Equations with ApplicationsSpring 2004
18.307Integral EquationsSpring 2006
18.315Combinatorial Theory: Hyperplane ArrangementsFall 2004
18.315Combinatorial Theory: Introduction to Graph Theory, Extremal and Enumerative CombinatoricsSpring 2005
18.318Topics in Algebraic CombinatoricsSpring 2006
18.319Geometric CombinatoricsFall 2005
18.325Topics in Applied Mathematics: Mathematical Methods in NanophotonicsFall 2005
18.327Wavelets, Filter Banks and ApplicationsSpring 2003
18.335JIntroduction to Numerical MethodsFall 2004
18.335JIntroduction to Numerical MethodsFall 2006
18.336Numerical Methods of Applied Mathematics IISpring 2005
18.338JInfinite Random Matrix TheoryFall 2004
18.366Random Walks and DiffusionFall 2006
18.376JWave PropagationFall 2006
18.377JNonlinear Dynamics and WavesSpring 2007
18.385JNonlinear Dynamics and ChaosFall 2004
18.404JTheory of ComputationFall 2006
18.405JAdvanced Complexity TheoryFall 2001
18.409Behavior of AlgorithmsSpring 2002
18.415JAdvanced AlgorithmsFall 2001
18.415JAdvanced AlgorithmsFall 2005
18.416JRandomized AlgorithmsFall 2002
18.417Introduction to Computational Molecular BiologyFall 2004
18.426JAdvanced Topics in CryptographySpring 2003
18.435JQuantum ComputationFall 2003
18.437JDistributed AlgorithmsFall 2005
18.465Topics in Statistics: Nonparametrics and RobustnessSpring 2005
18.465Topics in Statistics: Statistical Learning TheorySpring 2007
18.466Mathematical StatisticsSpring 2003
18.725Algebraic GeometryFall 2003
18.727Topics in Algebraic Geometry: Intersection Theory on Moduli SpacesSpring 2006
18.755Introduction to Lie GroupsFall 2004
18.785Analytic Number TheorySpring 2007
18.786Topics in Algebraic Number TheorySpring 2006
18.905Algebraic TopologyFall 2006
18.906Algebraic Topology IISpring 2006
18.917Topics in Algebraic Topology: The Sullivan ConjectureFall 2007
18.965Geometry of ManifoldsFall 2004
18.966Geometry of ManifoldsSpring 2007
18.969Topics in GeometryFall 2006
18.996Random Matrix Theory and Its ApplicationsSpring 2004
18.996Topics in Theoretical Computer Science : Internet Research ProblemsSpring 2002
18.996ASimplicity TheorySpring 2004
18.997Topics in Combinatorial OptimizationSpring 2004


MIT Open Course Ware

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